03-161. BOXING/ JOE LOUIS - San Francisco Chronicle CA Dec. 6, 1947- Banner headline: "LOUIS WINS DECISION ---BUT WALCOTT WILL CLAIM TITLE!" $29
03-504. OLYMPICS OF 1912 - Red Wing Republican MN May 23, 1912- FP photos and caption : "VIEW OF STOCKHOLM AND STADIUM WHERE OLYMPIC GAMES ARE TO BE HELD NEXT MONTH." $36
03-655. U.S. OPEN OF 1947 - S.F. Chronicle CA June 16, 1947- Sports section only. 3 col. headline: "SNEAD BLOWS 30 1/2 " PUTT!/ Shortest Miss in Major Golf History/ Worsham Wins Open Crown." Large photos of the 2 players during and after the match. $30
03-660. WOMEN'S TENNIS U.S. OPEN - New York Tribune NY Sept. 13, 1936- Sports section only w/ banner headline: "PERRY AND ALICE MARBLE CAPTURE U. S. TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP." Photo of Marble and Helen Jacobs at Forest Hills accepting trophy. $35
03-712. 1ST MASTERS GOLF TOURNAMENT - Topeka Journal KS Mar. 26, 1934- p. 8 single col. head: "MONEY TO SMITH/ Horton's 284 in Masters Tournament Wins $1500/ Bobby Jones Lacks Control ." $42